The Itch I Can’t Scratch!

Good Morning Everyone!

I haven’t been on here as much as I had hoped, mainly because I did not know what to say.  For the last couple months I have been worried about Max and his progress 158% of the time.  He wasn’t doing so well when it came to getting around, and I didn’t know what that meant for him for the long run (no pun intended).  He would have a few good days, then digress back to slipping and falling all over the house.  Max and myself felt defeated by this problem, and our frustration was growing.

HOWEVER,  in the last week Max has had an ENORMOUS turn around and is doing AMAZINGLY well.  He isn’t having the traction issues, his back leg isn’t constantly giving out (causing him to fall), he isn’t throwing his back leg out to where it used to be (causing him to lose balance).  He is doing GREAT, and that makes us both happy!  He has figured out how to position his leg, how to hop on it, and it seems his strength is improving daily!

Hey guys, Max here.  Thank you all for the support!

Mom thinks I am doing great BUT I HAVE ONE PROBLEM!!!  (that my mean MOM finds HYSTERICAL).  When she scratches my back, or under my chin, or behind my ears (you know ALL those good spots),  I tries to kick my missing leg to scratch under my belly… BUT there is no leg to move!  I move my hip over, and over, and over… BUT NOTHING HAPPENS!  I love those good scritches, but MAN I wish Mom would see my problem here and not laugh at me!


Until next time,

Niki and Max


Hanging out with mom out front


I like going out with mom when she is out in the front yard.11295749_10204257225852399_8702242731137343736_n

I like it when mom takes my photo,  and I LOVE laying in the grass where everyone can see me!11181847_10204353034487555_6431410519403932210_n

The kitten Freddie thinks I am his daddy,  that’s okay, he is my friend.11390162_10204388575336054_2277494224898244905_n

Ahhhhh Sleeps!



Mom got my hair cut for the summer,  it makes it cooler for me, I am hopefully going to go swimming, and it makes the shaved part of my leg stand out less.


I got my new Tripawds Rule bandanna!

Oh yeah!  We made a card to send to Max’s Orthopedic Surgeon and his staff.  I hope they like it, and really know how much we thank them for saving Max’s life!

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